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Appetizer, Side Dish Lynn Collins Appetizer, Side Dish Lynn Collins

Roasted Sunchokes

This was my first experience with sunchokes, also known as Jerusalem artichokes.  First of all let’s establish that these aren’t anything like artichokes as they’re not part of the artichoke family and they’re not from Jerusalem.  Sunchokes are actually the tuberous roots of a sunflower plant.  Interesting, huh?  Sunchokes come in all shapes and sizes, and look very similar to fresh ginger root.

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More resources you might appreciate:

Plant-Based 101 to teach you the fundamentals of a plant-based lifestyle. Plant-Based Cooking Ingredient Swaps will help you replace items you’re no longer eating. This list of Essential Kitchen Tools will help in meal preparation. This article on Creating The Perfect Buddha Bowl will teach you how to build delicious bowls in 5 easy steps.