How To Make Nut Milk

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Homemade nut milk is simple to prepare, with only two ingredients! You can use nut milk anywhere you’d use dairy milk. In cereal, in coffee, pancake batter, cream soups, etc. While you can certainly purchase commercial nut milks, check those labels because many store-bought plant milks contain unhealthy additives.


1 cup RAW almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts or any raw nut without skins

2 cups fresh water for soaking

4 cups fresh water


  1. Place nuts in two cups water to soak overnight, add additional water to make sure the nuts are fully submerged and will remain covered even after they increase in volume. Don’t rush the soaking. The longer the nuts soak, the smoother your milk will be.

  2. In the morning, drain the water out.

  3. Add nuts and four cups of fresh water to a high speed blender and blend until smooth. I highly recommend a Vitamix or something similar.

  4. Pour liquid through a nut milk bag, fine strainer or cheese cloth fabric to allow to strain. With a Vitamix, there is no need to strain unless you want to remove the foam.

  5. Transfer nut milk into an air-tight glass jar. Store in the refrigerator for up to one week.

  6. Shake before serving.

If you don’t think you’ll be able to use it up in one week, go ahead and freeze it in individual containers and thaw as you need it. All you have to do is give it a good shake prior to using.

Lynn Collins

Certified Plant-Based Lifestyle Educator

Dairy-Free Cashew Sour Cream


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