Building the Perfect CrunchWrap


This healthy CrunchWrap takes an ordinary wrap to a whole new level.

Building Options

  1. Choose your TORTILLA WRAP - there is a wide variety of flavors and sizes available, I recommend no smaller than 8”. The larger you go, the more goodies you can stuff inside!

  2. Choose your SMEAR - hummus, refried beans, sweet potato, avocado, Non-Dairy Cream Cheese, Plant-Based Mozzarella

  3. Pick your GREENS - spinach, arugula, kale, microgreens, lettuce, cabbage, sprouts.

  4. Layer your favorite VEGETABLES - roasted bell pepper, mushrooms, asparagus spears. Artichoke hearts, tomatoes, pickled onions, corn, kimchi.

  5. Don’t forget PROTEIN - nuts, seeds, tofu, tempeh, beans. Don’t be afraid to mix and match!

  6. Add FLAVOR ENHANCERS - fresh cilantro, basil, chives, mint leaves, jalapeno, banana peppers, olives, onions, sriracha, salsa, or Harissa Sauce.


  1. Set wrap(s) on a cutting board and cut a straight slit from the center to the edge of wrap closest to you.

  2. Spread your smear on the lower half of wrap.

  3. Place a thin layer of greens in the lower left quadrant of the wrap.

  4. Place vegetables in the upper left quadrant. For best results, vegetables should be thinly sliced. I prefer to use vegetables that I have already roasted or grilled.

  5. In the upper right quadrant of the wrap, layer your protein, not too thick!

  6. In the lower right quadrant layer your flavor enhancers on top of the smear.

Assemble and Grill

Preheat a non-stick skillet over medium heat.

  • Gently lift and fold the lower left quadrant up and over the upper left.

  • Fold the upper left over the upper right.

  • Fold down the upper right onto the lower right. You now have a wedge.

  • Using a large spatula, transfer the wrap wedge to the preheated skillet. Grill until the wrap becomes golden and slightly crisp.

  • Gently flip, grill until golden and slightly crisp.

  • Serve with your favorite condiments such as Dijon mustard, salsa, ranch dressing, or this yummy Harissa Sauce.

Lynn Collins

Certified Plant-Based Lifestyle Educator

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