Non-Dairy Chocolate Bark


When you grab for this Chocolate Bark you’ll get the best of both worlds. A sweet treat with some crunch, along with healthy seeds to give you a boost of energy when you need it. In my book I call that guilt-free chocolate!


  • 1 cup non-dairy chocolate chips - I prefer the Enjoy Life brand

  • 2 Tbsp raw shelled hemp hearts or chia seeds

  • 2 Tbsp pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds

  • 1/3 cup natural rice crispy cereal

  • Sea salt to sprinkle on top


  1. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

  2. Melt the chocolate by placing it in a stainless steel or glass bowl placed over a pot of simmering water. Be careful that’s it’s not a rolling boil, you don’t want the water boiling to the point that water is splashing because even a tiny drop will seize up the chocolate. You just need a light simmer. Stir the chocolate until it’s completely melted and smooth.

  3. Add the remaining ingredients, except the salt, and stir thoroughly to make sure everything is mixed well. Transfer the mixture to the parchment paper, using a spatula to get out all the chocolate mixture. Spread the chocolate out into a thin layer, about 1/8” thick. Sprinkle with a small amount of sea salt and any other toppings you may like.

  4. Transfer to the refrigerator to completely cool, about an hour.

  5. Once fully chilled and set, break into the size pieces you prefer.

Lynn Collins

Certified Plant-Based Lifestyle Educator

Plant-Based Tofu Ricotta Cheese


Plant-Based “Bacon” Bits