Plant Empowered Wellness

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Easy Thai Peanut Sauce


3 tablespoons peanut butter

zest of 1/3 lime

2 garlic cloves, minced

1 teaspoon finely minced ginger

1 tablespoon low sodium tamari, soy sauce or coconut aminos

1 tablespoon maple syrup or date syrup

1 teaspoon hot sauce or Thai chili sauce - less or more based on how much heat you like

1 tablespoon water

Hand immersion blender or small Bullet type blender


  1. If using an immersion blender, add all ingredients to a 1 quart mason jar and blend until smooth, you may need to add a bit more water to achieve the consistency you’re looking for based on how you’re serving it. But be sure to add the water a teaspoon or two at a time so it doesn’t become too runny.

  2. If using a small blender, follow the same instructions as stated above.

  3. Store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

  4. Serve with Buddha Bowls, fresh spring rolls or tossed with warm tofu and noodles.